You may donate to Baruch Haba via PayPal using the Donate button below.
Phone: 859-266-5033
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 23280
Lexington, KY, 40523
Weekly Shabbat Services at 11 a.m. on Saturdays at Zode-Zo Center in Nicholasville, Kentucky.
We are Baruch Haba Messianic Jewish Congregation
But you may wonder, what does baruch haba mean?
It is how one says “welcome!” in Hebrew.
The name of our synagogue identifies three interlocking themes. We are:
We are intrinsically linked with two groups. We identify with our Jewish people and also with the larger body of believers in Yeshua.
Our Goal:
Baruch Haba desires to build a multi-generational Messianic Jewish family. Welcome Home!
What to expect at our service:
You are welcome, whether you are Jewish, Christian, or simply secular.
Our worship seeks to establish Jewish space. Visitors will experience a recognizable synagogue service including music, traditional liturgy, a Torah reading, and teaching.
Some of the songs and liturgy will be in English, however Hebrew is also used as one would expect. The Hebrew will be pleasant – not encumbering – and often translated.
Our service will last approximately two hours.
Join us on the second and fourth Sabbaths of each month at Monos Coffee, on Nicholasville Road, for coffee and study of the weekly Torah portion or other sections of Scripture. This casual disussion lasts from 2 - 3pm. All are welcome! Why don't you come and enjoy the flavor of the beans and the Bible?
What one should wear to our service:
Let modesty guide your dress. Remember our service is not at the beach or the gym! In Jewish tradition the Sabbath is a weekly reenactment of the wedding between G-d and Israel. Would you wear shorts, t-shirt or flip-flops to a wedding?